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5 Common Door Issues & How to Fix Them

Doors are an essential part of any home or business and can be one of the most frequently used components when coming and going. Having fixtures that work correctly is always important, especially if they’re being used often – doors included! Unfortunately, problems can arise over time due to regular wear & tear, which will require repairs or replacements.

To help give you a better idea about common door issues and how to fix them, we've put together this blog post with useful information for homeowners & business owners alike. So read on to learn more about 5 common door issues and how to handle them.

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Having Trouble With Your Home's Exterior Doors?


Types of Common Door Problems and How to Identify Them

Every door, no matter the material it's made of or how often it's used, is susceptible to door problems. Knowing the most common door issues and how to recognize them is the first step in addressing them quickly and effectively. Once you identify a door problem, you can decide if attempting to resolve it yourself or enlisting the help of a professional is the best option.

FAS Windows & Doors have put together a helpful blog post covering five typical door problems and how to fix them. From drafts, sticking doors, door swings that are off-center, warped doors, and squeaky hinges, this informative blog provides tips on identifying each door issue and taking prompt action.

a. Warping or Sticking Doors

Warping and sticking doors are common door problems that can have a range of causes. These can be anything from inclement weather to the door itself not being properly sealed or insulated in the first place. In order to identify what is causing your door to stick or warp, first check if there's any moisture around the frames that could be seeping into the door itself and then inspect for damages such as splitting wood or cracks in the frame.

If there's buildup due to poor insulation, air conditioning, or additional humidity, consider installing weather stripping to help seal out drafts and moisture. Also, make sure that all screws and hinges are tightened. Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of regular maintenance – ensuring all moving parts still function properly and giving your door a fresh coat of paint every few years will go a long way toward keeping your door looking good!

b. Broken Locks

Vandalism, rust, and a wide range of other issues can cause broken locks. No matter the reason, if you find yourself unable to unlock your door, it's important to take action. First, check for any obvious aesthetic damage that could be preventing your lock from working effectively - a common symptom of vandalism. If your locks are still showing movement but not unlocking, then they may need to be professionally serviced or replaced. In some cases, rust or overuse can cause damage that only a specialist technician can repair. Whatever the cause is, it's best to call an expert in order to ensure the problem is addressed quickly and appropriately for safe and secure access once more.

c. Inadequate Weatherproofing

Poor weatherproofing can lead to significant damage and distress for those who rely on their doors. Whether it's the rain pouring in or an intense draft pushing out the warmth, inadequate weatherproofing can create a huge problem. If you're experiencing these issues, there are simple steps you can take to protect your property and ensure the proper insulation of your home. To start, look around your doorframe and check for any gaps or signs of water seepage that indicate outside air is entering. If necessary, use caulk-gun foam to plug up any holes or spaces between the door frame and wall.

Additionally, make sure to check that the door itself is not poorly insulated; if so, consider replacing it since this could be why cold air from outdoors is entering. Lastly, keeping up with regular maintenance such as lubricating hinges and locks could help prevent a buildup of rust and keep your door functioning properly for years to come.

d. Sagging Door Hinge

A sagging door hinge can put the functionality and longevity of your door at risk. If the tops of your doors are drifting toward the floor, it could be a sign that the door hinges need to be replaced or that they need to be adjusted correctly. Without taking this relatively easy step, your door may not close all the way or fully latch. To properly remedy a sagging door hinge, start by ensuring proper placement and then replacing any damaged screw heads with ones that have proper counter-sinking dimensions for the hinge screws.

Furthermore, think about using longer screws if needed and wrapping tapes around the screws for extra grip. Finally, make sure all screws have even tension when tightened–this will ensure your door is aligned evenly in the frame and properly working again!

e. Loose Door Frame

Loose door frames are often the result of settling over time, or simply from a lack of proper maintenance. Wiggling the top of your door will quickly let you know if there's an underlying loose frame issue. The good news is, these can usually be fixed without the help of an expert!

First, you'll want to check the corner brackets and screws around your door jamb to make sure they are all properly fitted and secure. If they appear loose or outdated, you can try replacing them with thicker and longer ones from your local hardware store. If that doesn't work, use caulk or shims in and around the frame to fill in any gaps and prevent moisture buildup. Taking just a few minutes to check for signs of damage now can save you a lot of money and time down the road.

Causes for Common Door Issues

For any homeowner, door problems are a common nuisance. Doors can become stuck or jam, misalign from their frame, not latch correctly or show signs of warping. However, trying to determine the cause of door issues can be a tricky endeavor. Several possible explanations exist and often finding the true culprit may require some detective work to narrow down the range of potential causes.

These can range from weather-related conditions like humidity and temperature changes to structural problems such as sagging frames or improper installation. Faulty locks, stuck hinges, old and warped wood as well as debris accumulation are other factors that could affect your doors' overall condition. While navigating these intricacies can seem overwhelming at first, taking note of various indicators and being mindful of your consistent repair and maintenance habits can help keep them functioning properly and save you time in the long run.

How to Fix Common Door Issues - Step-by-Step Instructions

Has your door started sticking? Is it making odd noises when opened and closed? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. These are two of the most common door problems that homeowners experience. Luckily, it’s usually a straightforward process to fix them. FAS Windows & Doors have compiled step-by-step instructions on how you can fix five of the most common door issues in no time at all. Whether you're planning to tackle this by yourself or call in professionals for help, we hope this guide will make solving your door problems easy and stress-free. So read on and get ready to repair those doors - you have what it takes!

a. Fixing a Warping or Sticking Door

A warping or sticking door can be an annoying and potentially dangerous issue. Depending on the product and environment, it can be caused by everything from high humidity to aging wood. Fortunately, it's usually a relatively easy problem to solve with some basic DIY tools!

As a first step, you’ll want to check to see if the door is out of alignment - if its hinges need to be adjusted that is likely the source of the door’s problem. If adjusting the hinges doesn't help, then you may need to take additional actions such as weatherstripping or replacing rotten wood. Though more intensive than normal maintenance and repair, these fixes can help restore your door back to good condition and prevent further issues down the road.

b. Fixing a Broken Lock

A broken lock can quickly turn an everyday task into a chore. Trying to open or close a door without a functioning lock can be incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, it doesn't take a carpenter to solve this type of problem - some simple DIY skills and a few tools are all that's required to get the job done!

First, examine the lock to determine what is stopping it from working properly. If the source of the issue is something like dirt buildup or blocked parts, then you might be able to fix it by simply lubricating the lock and getting rid of any debris stuck in there. On the other hand, if your problem is more complex and requires replacing parts or dabbling with wiring, then we'd strongly advise calling a professional locksmith instead of attempting to do this yourself.

c. Repairing Inadequate Weatherproofing

If you’re dealing with inadequate weatherproofing on your doors, you won’t need to take drastic measures to fix the issue. The solution is often simpler than you might think! Take a look at the weatherstripping and other seals around the door and check that they are still intact and free of gaps. If they aren’t, replace them with new materials of better quality.

You may also want to consider adding some caulk near the door frame where dirt and debris might be collecting—this can help to shore up those weatherproofing efforts even more! Don't forget to add a fresh coat of paint now and then, too - this small act of maintenance can prevent weather-damaged fixtures in the future. At FAS Windows & Doors, we understand that weatherproofing is an important part of maintaining your home's safety and value, so don’t hesitate to reach out for personalized advice if you need it.

d. Revitalize Sagging hinges

Loose, sagging hinges are common door problems. Not only can this create an awkward aesthetic, but also a safety hazard as the door may not close correctly. Fortunately, there are simple measures that you can take to revitalize sagging hinges.

The first step is to check if the screws have become loose due to wear and tear and need tightening. If the screws feel secure and the problem persists, removing and lubricating the hinge pins with a graphite lubricant should help. If those two options don't work, it might be time to replace the hinge altogether with one of sufficiently sturdier quality. There is no better way to improve your door’s safety and efficiency than by fixing up any issues like sagging hinges as soon as you spot them!

e. Reinforce Loose Door Frames

Having a loose door frame can be an annoyance, but it is also an easy issue to fix. While it might not look like much, even small cracks and gaps can cause drafts and loss of energy efficiency in your home. Taking a few simple steps to reinforce the door frame will drastically improve the condition of your door and make sure that any unwanted drafts never have the chance to enter your home.

Begin by checking for larger holes, as these will need to be filled with wood putty or plastic wood for sturdiness. Once this process is complete, use caulking along the edges of the frame and around all four corners for extra support. By following this simple process, you'll soon find that drafty air won't stand a chance against your reinforced frames!

Preventative Maintenance Tips To Avoid Future Problems With Doors

When it comes to your door, preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid future problems. Regularly checking and cleaning your doors can save you a tremendous amount of money in the long run. There are several easy tasks that can keep your doors working as they should.

Firstly, check the hinges to ensure that nothing is loose or out of alignment. Secondly, check for any signs of rust on your door’s metal components, such as deadbolts or door handles. It would also be wise to lubricate all locks as this reduces both wear and tear, helping them last longer.

Lastly, don't neglect to inspect the frames around each door for any cracks or warping-- if you spot any deterioration, you should take steps to fix it right away! Preventative maintenance takes only a few minutes but can give years back to you in terms of improved functionality and peace of mind when it comes to your doors.

Call FAS Windows & Doors When You Need Professional Help

When it comes to door repairs, some issues require the help of a professional. Problems like warped frames that cause difficulty when opening and closing, out-of-alignment hinge pins, and broken latches are problems that can be hard to diagnose without the proper tools and specialized knowledge.

Homeowners should seek expert help in these cases, as DIY solutions may not be effective or may even make matters worse. Fortunately, with FAS Windows & Doors, professional assistance is just a phone call away. We provide reliable service and have knowledgeable technicians on hand to diagnose any door fix you encounter.

Upgrade Your Doors Today!


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